Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Oscar Wilde: Aesthete, Decadent, Romantic, Gay, Socialist...

Oscar Wilde. Where do we start? Like Morris, Wilde crammed in a lot of action in a relatively short life. Unlike Morris, Wilde died penniless in rough circumstances.  

Here's the text of the famous Preface. I'm looking for a facsimile from the 1891 edition. [Note: I found one on Hathitrust.] This is truly a case in which the layout of the type on the page carries meaning. The Adelaide E-book essentially changes the preface by making it more epigrammatic. It reads like a list of artistic commandments. 

Barbara Gates on Wilde's Dorian Grey:  Victorian Suicide: Mad Crimes and Sad Histories

 Here's the conceptual artist Allen Ruppersberg's take on Dorian Grey. He wrote out the novel on 20 large panels in 1974.

Wilde on video: Stephen Fry as Oscar

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