Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Pre-Raphaelite Gifts

JE Millais, Mariana
Why isn't this a bestseller?

Evelyn de Morgan, Phosphorus and Hesperus (1881)

WTF? This is too conceptual for me.

Stepping on DGR

Really messed up

Also really messed up.  A diaper bag?

Rossetti necklace flask. Now we're talking.

This is hard to explain on many levels. On other levels, maybe not so hard. Commercialism & consumerism know no bounds. Think about how we in the 21st century construct notions of "the Victorian" and the "19th century." 

You can purchase these wonderful items at Pre-Raphaelite Gifts on Cafe Press. Keep the magic alive after this seminar ends. 

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