Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Second Essay Due Three Weeks from Now

On March 24, your second brief essay is due by the start of class (upload your file to the shared folder on the blog). This is your opportunity to activate some of your interests and questions about the PRB. For example, I've lately been interested in William Holman Hunt's conversion from atheism to a fairly dogmatic Christianity, and what affect it had on his work. You should find your own angle. What do you want to learn more about? 

Papers should be double-spaced, 5-7 text pages, using either MLA or Chicago documentation style. This essay requires the use of secondary research, at least three different sources (not including our textbook). Make sure your final essay has an arguable core idea. It shouldn't be obvious or impossible to disagree with. For those of you who are skeptical about the whole PRB enterprise, this is your chance to make your case. But make your case using a specific lens, avoid generalization.  Revise and edit. Remember to give your essay a meaningful title.

The choice of subject is up to you. Your non-binding proposal  (one typed paragraph) is due next week, March 10, at the start of class. 

Send questions to me at

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