Thursday, March 3, 2016

REMINDER for Next Week

The Jefferson Building, Meet in front at 10:20.
Next week we'll be going to the Rare Book and Special Collections department of the Library of Congress for our only field trip of the semester. Your attendance for this session is of vital importance.
Our appointment is from 10:30 to noon. I would prefer for everyone to meet in class at 9:45 and to walk together to the Farragut West Metro. If you live on Capitol Hill or if it makes sense for your commute to meet us there, that's OK. The closet Metro station is Capitol South on the Blue/Orange line. Please let me know [] if we should expect to meet you there. Wait on the front patio area of the Jefferson Building (the old one). Text or call if you're lost or late: 202.460.6864.

If you would like to see items from particular artists and authors, please let me know and I'll see if I can include them. 

A one paragraph proposal for your essay on some aspect of  Pre-Raphaelite art and culture due March 24. Be sure that you clearly state what it is you want to explore and why. Type this up and bring it with you. I'll talk briefly with each student about his or her proposal.

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