Thursday, April 4, 2013

Preview of April 19th Symposium

Our symposium two weeks from today, April 19th, will bring together three experts in 19th century British art and culture. Our three speakers are Mark Samuels Lasner, Jackie Colburn, and William S. Peterson. We are truly honored to have them come to share their research, knowledge, and collections. Each will speak for 20-25 minutes and a question and answer session will follow each talk.

I found online a full-text digitized copy of William Peterson's definitive study of the Kelmscott Press: WM's Typographical Adventure. Thank You, University of California Press. The graphic designers in the seminar (and all of us) should pay special attention to the book's design. This is not only a gorgeous book, it is a demonstration of certain enduring beliefs that informed the Arts and Crafts Movement and the Revival of Printing in the 1880s.

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