Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Making the Claim?

I've had lots of conversations over the past couple of days about the symposium. In particular, people commented about whether the speakers presented a cogent case for the work of the PRB and its wake as avant-garde. Opinions is divided, but not equally. Most think that the PRB's fascinating and worthwhile work is many things, but not avant-garde, at least not as argued by the speakers. Granted, some of the talks were better than others; let's leave it at that.

Thierry de Duve has agreed to come and speak with our class, but we haven't worked out the details. For those of you who missed the Friday afternoon Q-n-A session, that's where the best action was. I can't recreate or paraphrase Thierry's question/comment, but it gets to the center of our seminar's inquiry. We'll talk about it on Friday.

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