Thursday, March 7, 2013

NGA: Four Sessions

We do not meet in 14b, our customary classroom, tomorrow. Instead, we meet in the East Building of the National Gallery of Art. I will be seated mid-way down on the podium side toward the aisle. Let's sit together as a class if possible (not a big deal if you come late or if you're a loner). Attend at least one of the four sessions to fulfill your weekly attendance. If you can make only one, try for the 2:45 session on Friday that roughly lines up with our usual class time. Come for all four sessions if you can.

Let's be honest: This is an amazing opportunity, right at our doorstep, no charge. Yeah! Thank You NGA!

1)  Friday, noon
2)  Friday, 2:45

3)  Saturday, 1:00
4)  Saturday, 2:45

PS: The new Walter Pater image on our splash-page is intentionally lame to spur one of you to generate something better. That said, Walter Pater was massively avant-garde by any standard. We'll talk about him on the 15th.

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