Friday, January 25, 2013

And We're Off...

Today's rushed introduction was, alas, too rushed. That said, I think we covered the essentials. I'm keenly aware that I did all the talking today. This won't typically be the case.  As a seminar, this class relies on everyone's participation.

My email address is Send me a message if you have questions, thoughts, or comments.

I'd like each member of the seminar to write a quick confirmation in the comments box to this post. You can write something simple like, "Yep, I'm here" or you can try some faux-Victorian expression if you like. I'm not positive that I've set up the comments sections correctly, so it might not work. If that's the case for you, send me an email message.

My train is stopped outside of Baltimore because of the snow. I don't think I'm going to make it to my fancy dinner.